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The Role Of Governors:

The School Governing Body is responsible for managing the school within the framework of national legislation and the policies of the Diocese and the Local Education Authority. It receives a budget from the County Council and, in consultation with the Headteacher, decides how it should be spent and ensures it is managed properly.

The Governors are also involved in making staff appointments, and must ensure that the National Curriculum is being implemented with regard to the needs of the school. Governors don’t make detailed decisions about the day-to-day running of the school. This is the responsibility of the Head teacher. There are two parent governors selected by the parents, each for a four-year term.

Welcome from the Governing Body:

‘Laugh & Learn’ – the Governors firmly believe this applies to the whole school family.

Children come first – their needs, interests and academic development are at the heart of all our decisions.

We are determined that each child should feel valued and recognised as an individual. We strive to give each one a strong sense of belonging to our school community and hope they will want to come back and visit after they leave us.

We are proud of our Church School – its pupils and all their achievements. We value all staff and welcome the input from parents and the community who do so much to support the school and play an important part in its development.

Governors take genuine interest and pride in the life of the school and visit often. We meet regularly to review every aspect of school life including performance & attainment, curriculum, finance, health & safety and staffing. Importantly, we are passionate about strategic planning for the secure and sustainable future of our school and continuously improving child attainment.

We are fortunate that we have greatly committed governors who bring a wealth of experience and skills. We are always willing to listen and welcome your feedback.

You can contact us via the school office.

Our Governors:

Mrs Jan Sanchez – Foundation co-Chair (Safeguarding with child protection 1, safer recruitment, RE/pastoral, complaints, in-year admissions, Early Years)

Mr Jim Sleight – Foundation co-Chair (Infrastructure including online safety, complaints, link governor in Jan Sanchez’s absence, safer recruitment, interviews)

Mrs Beth Hanna - Governor ex officio

Mr Stuart Webb – Foundation (Finance and Academisation)

Mrs Ruth Cook – Foundation (HT Appraisals and Safeguarding with child protection 2, safer recruitment)

Mrs Caroline Adams – Foundation (Attendance)

Mrs Sue Watkins – Substitute ex officio Foundation

Mr Thomas Van Praag – Parent

Mrs Lucy Jefferies - Parent

Mrs Melanie Bailey - Co-opted 

Mr David Russell – Local Authority (Finance, risk assessments, interviews)

Mr Alastair Snook – Staff (Link governor with staff, area/patch representative, interviews)

Mrs Heather Loosemore – Associate (non-voting) (Health & Safety)

Mrs Felicity Conway – Clerk to Governors

For further information regarding our governing body, please see the link below:
Getting Information about Schools

All of our governors are committed to the safeguarding of children and have all read, and will comply with the KCSIE 2024 document.